December 10th, 2016

4 Useful Ways Social Media Can Increase Sales

4 Useful Ways Social Media Can Increase Sales

Many people use social media to stay in contact with friends or show the world their life, while many businesses utilise it expand their online presence and drive sales. Companies can use their various social media platforms and channels to influence the purchasing habits of their customers and alert new customers of their products or services for future purchases. Social media-inspired purchasing is easy to do if done right and can really affect your company’s bottom line in a good way. Here are smart ways to increase online sales via your business’ social media channels:

1. Hashtags
If your business is having a huge sale or special product launch, don’t be afraid to use a special hashtag to alert customers of the campaign. A distinctive hashtag to describe your sale to customers will remind them of the promotion and will encourage them to go out and seek the actual product once they start seeing it other social media channels. They’ll also want to share the sale and its special hashtag with their own followers and fans, which will help spread the word on whatever you’re selling.

2. Coupons
Providing customers with special social media coupon codes can really boost sales. Everyone loves discounted prices so providing one on your various social media accounts will get them interested in your company and product and want to buy it thanks to the online discount. The coupon code and a special hashtag alerting the sale can really drive sales for companies!

3. Giveaways
If you want to generate new leads for your company, giveaways work great. Create a special giveaway promotion that requires a special sign-up page and ask for the user’s email or information to receive a newsletter as an added incentive. They’ll be able to sign up to win a great gift from your company and you’ll gather valuable information on potential customers.

4. Exposure
If you’re on multiple social media channels, you should have button linking to your social media accounts everywhere! Place them on your website, on your email signature, on your newsletter and anywhere else you can to increase exposure of your social media sites. This way customers can follow you on there and learn about promotions, discounts and more, which will entice them to buy from your company!

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